To ensure a speedy and thorough review of your application follow the steps below. Please carefully review the requirements listed and include all relevant information about yourself, like your age, origin, and measurements (height, bust, waist, hip, shoes (US), eyes and hair color) and even your portfolio, if you have it. If we believe you have the right look for our agency, we will definitely be in touch.

1. Polaroids and Video

To give us the best possible representation of your natural appearance, please submit polaroids following our guide. Be sure that they are taken during the day, with no makeup and form-fitting, simple clothing such as skinny jeans, t-shirt or tank top.

– No makeup
– Skinny jeans and T-shirt
– Use Daylight
– Clear Background

How to take polaroids-Cosmos Model Ana Paula Martins

2. Upload it to the cloud

Once you’ve captured all the requested materials, it’s time to give them a safe digital home. We highly recommend uploading everything to a reliable cloud storage service such as Google Drive or WeTransfer. Once they are uploaded, simply share the link with us in our submission form (Portfolio link). Don’t forget to include all the relevant information we asked for earlier, introducing yourself and telling us a little about who you are as a person. Remember, you’re not just numbers and measures to us – we’d love to get to know the person we might be signing.

3. Fill the form

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Thanks for applying! Fingers crossed!

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